RCF This is the system was incorporated at RCF site Thal (Alibaug) for Effluent monitoring at North Drain , South Drain , Gail , Steam Generation Unit ..The Values from various process sensors were monitored on the SCADA screen through OPC tags read from OPC Enabled Controllers acting as data Points .. The parameterization of […]

Smart RTU Views [WPPV-TOTAL-VIEWS] Share On Social Media Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Smart RTU The PLC ILC131 Modbus TCP/UDP functions similar to a Fieldbus Coupler connects ETHERNET to the Master Controller and the values can intercepted through SCADA or through Web Interface The fieldbus coupler detects all connected I/O modules and creates a local process image. […]
Smart RTU

Smart RTU Views [WPPV-TOTAL-VIEWS] Share On Social Media Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Smart RTU The smart RTU is a modular remote terminal solution for various fields of application around Process Systems . The RTU allows the consistent processing and provision of status and event time information. The predefined functions and intuitive parameterization via the web interface […]